What is Musicmap?
A Musicmap uses pictures and patterns to map the path of a melody. The Musicmap concept is an effective method that incorporates age-appropriate activities for a pre-reading musical notation program. Children enjoy participating in the music activities of this Musicmap Series.
The Innovative Musicmap¢â Series: Carnival of the Animals
Musicmap¢â Series: Carnival of the Animals, developed by Koomzaal Company, Ltd., is an innovative resource that is based upon the idea of active music listening. This series was created through the cooperation of experts in music education and artistic design.
Considered a teaching resource of the highest quality by U.S. educators
Musicmap¢â Series: Carnival of the Animals has been receiving high praise from education experts in music, art, literature, fine arts, and related areas in the United States. Several programs in Missouri are using the series with great success. These include a public elementary school (Lee Expressive Arts School) as well as two programs affiliated with the University of Missouri-Columbia (the Child Development Laboratory and the Missouri String Project). The children, the teachers and parents have showed great enthusiasm for this series.
Appropriate for various educational settings
Musicmap¢â Series: Carnival of the Animals is an excellent teaching material for a wide variety of educational settings. It can be used in preschools, day care centers, elementary schools, and music institutes for private or group lessons. This series also can be used in home schooling and during after-school activities. Regardless of group size, these materials will help children to develop their imagination, creativity, concentration, and musicianship.